Well, this one was pending for a long long long time. Maybe ever since I got married. Or from even before! So, we decided on an impulse that we would have a Pasta Party at my place on the evening of 25 Jan. Invitees: Rashmi and Vivek only..and of course Satti and I were the hosts.
The Menu: Vegetable Penne Pasta, Grilled baby corn and Chocolatey Chocolate cake.

So, on one side, we started boiling the pasta and i put the vegetables into the microwave (with a dash of olive oil and salt on it). 3 sessions of 2 mins each and my vggies were ready for use. The Pasta was also just right. Drained off all the water and quickly rinsed it in cold water so that it doesn't become sticky. Got the pan ready to mix 'em all up. The husband was thoughtful enough to have made the base sauce ready by then. He'd put in Olive oil, shezwan sauce, tomato ketchup and the sliced onlins and some secret ingredient which he wouldn't disclose to cook up the mouth-watering sauce. By then Rashu and Vivi were ther already, totally excited.
back to the cooking, into a heated pan went a dollop of butter (didn't care about the calories!), the magical base sauce (as my husband likes to call it), the pasta and all the vegetables. Added some more tomato sauce , and shezwan sauce to make spicier. sprinkled black pepper powder and salt before mixing it all well. We realised that it wasn't soupy enough and were worried that adding water would make the gravy very thin. Added milk with cream instead - thanks to a handy Tarla Dalal Recipe book.
The final stirring and mixing was when the aroma starting flowing out of the kitchen and made our guests impatient. So, delegated some work before we were finally ready to eat. Get the plates and forks ready. Pick the accompaniments: Cheese spread and Mayo with olives. Before taking the pasta off the stove, added a generous portion of chopped black olives, a quick stir and we were ready to go.
By then, the cake had also been cut, ready to be served immediately after the main course. Served the pasta with the accompaniments. Everyone was so hungry that no one bothered about the garnigh. we all hungrily and greedily ate up the delicious, pasta. THe pepper made it a tad bit spicy which thoroughly complimented the cold weather. Served HUGE pices of cake and the mother-in-law treated us to some fruit salad as well.
Needless to say, with 2 generous helpings each of Pasta, cake and fruit salad, we were all STUFFED and couldn't get ourselves to move..not even to put our plates away! I loved the feeling :D
And so ended our wonderful, fun, and tasty Pasta Party. Thanks to Rashu and Vivi. Special thanks to Sathya for cooking up the DELICIOUS magic base sauce and to my mom-in-law for the Fruit Salad dessert. :D